We know this topic gets everyone talking. Every time we mention it on social media, the comments explode! So, we thought, why not take it further? With over 3 million ROMEOs worldwide, we did some serious (and fun) data mining. And just in time for vacation planning, we’ve got the ultimate list of the most top and most bottom countries! 😉
The Basics
To Start, we analyzed all profiles of ROMEOs who filled out their preferences:
It seems like there is a perfect balance between tops and bottoms. We know you might have expected more bottoms, but maybe they can just do it more often and don’t need as much recovery time as tops? 🍆💦
Top & Bottom Hotspots 🌍
The most top-heavy countries? They often overlapped with the most homophobic ones and might not be the best travel destinations. Our best guess? In societies where you are already stigmatized, openly identifying as a bottom could feel like an even greater risk.
That’s why, instead of a Top 10, we’re providing a list of 100 countries where we had sufficient user data. Want to know how YOUR country “performs”?
What Affects or Doesn’t?
Then, we looked at how this correlated with different profile stats. Here’s what we found:
The younger Romeos tend to start more on the bottom side, but it stabilizes pretty quickly and stays more or less the same over the years.
There’s a small correlation—taller guys lean slightly more top.
Hair Color & Ethnicity
Nope, not all blonds are bottoms! There’s no significant impact. We believe the differences are due to country-specific results (see above) and the predominance of black hair and certain ethnicities in those regions.
Body Type
No significant effect—except that the more muscular, the more likely he is a top💪
Dick Size
As expected, the bigger the package, the more likely someone is a top. The big question: voluntary or enforced? 😉
A Special Look at the PROs
For those who don’t know, HUNQZ is our companionship service and we are the largest worldwide. We checked their stats too (50.000+ profiles), and guess what? They lean slightly more top than our Romeos. Since they serve a demand, it makes us wonder—do we have more hidden bottoms among our Romeos? 🤭
Some Final Thoughts
At the end of the day, there’s barely any real correlation between how we look and our role in bed. And we love that! The rainbow community is full of surprises, and that’s what makes it beautiful. There’s someone for everyone.💖
What about you? Share on X or Facebook.
Whatever your role in bed, let’s have fun! 🌈
Your versatile ROMEO team